Take your pick of breakfasts on Saturday, or try the 'newfie brunch' in Mahone Bay on Sunday.
The soup/sandwich luncheon in Conquerall Mills is always a good feed.
I wish I was around for the roast beef supper in Mahone Bay on Saturday, so good...the fish fry in Hubbards might be worth checking out too...
April 24,
Newfie Breakfast,
Chester Basin Legion.
Various menu selections. Take-outs available.
April 24,
Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg,
7:30-11:30 a.m.
Adults $6; ages 5-12, $3.
Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215
April 24,
Firemen's Breakfast,
United Communities Fire Hall, Cherry Hill,
8-11 a.m.
Adults $6; 5-12 years $3.25; under 5 free.
April 25,
"NEWFIE" Brunch.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #49, Mahone Bay,
10 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Adults $6, children over 5 $3
April 24,
Delicious all you can eat Daffodil soup and sandwich luncheon and sale.
Conquerall Mills Community Hall,
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Adults $7.50, 6-12 $3.50, 5 and under free.
For Lutheran Ladies Aid.
April 24
Casserole & Salad Supper
Springfield Fire Hall
4:30 - 6pm.
Adults - $ 8.; ages 6-12 - $ 4.; age 5 & under - free.
Proceeds for Springfield United Baptist Church.
April 24,
Roast Beef Supper
4:30- 6:30 p.m.
St. James Anglican Parish Hall, Mahone Bay.
Adults $10, children 5- 12 $5, under 5 free.
Takeouts available.
April 24,
Baked ham and Variety Supper,
North Brookfield Hall,
4:30- 6:30 p.m.
Free will offering. Takeout service available.
April 25
FISH FRY: pan fried haddock supper Hubbards Area Lions Club at the clubhouse in Fox Pt
4-6 pm,
Pan fried haddock with all the trimmings, dessert and tea/coffee.
Please call 857-9845 after 12 noon daily or 857-1559 for information.
A picture of sign, spotted at the Lunenburg Save Easy. Can you spot the two errors in this advert?

should it be Blu Ray DVD's?
Is there a prize?
Also, what's at the Newfie breakfast, and is it all served in a sou'wester?
Wait, no! I got it!
It should just say
We now rent Blu Ray Discs...right? Thank you Wikipedia.
Ambo wins a small, worthless prize!
Yes, the sign 'should' read: We now rent Blu Ray Discs.
Oh, and no sou'westers at the newfie breakfast, but lots of fried bologna!
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