The basement of the church was the venue for their "Christmas Bazaar". Those in attendance were decidedly the 'blue rinse' crowd. There were a dozen or so people sitting and enjoying their cold plates. We were warmly received and seated as we waited for our food:
Pretty standard fare for this type of luncheon. The chicken salad was made from scratch, phew! The potato salad was really, really good. A hint of onion, but not too stinky, and of course, very potato-y.
Sadly, I didn't get a shot of my desert. I sampled the gum drop cake, and Lisa tried the chocolate cake. After we received our cakes, we were both bummed to realize that there was carrot cake on offer, but we weren't offered it in our list of available deserts! :-( At any rate, the luncheon was great and next time I'll ask for carrot cake!
After we polished off our cakes, we perused the craft and bake tables. The baked goods were almost picked clean, but I managed to score some delectable chocolate dipped oat cake type cookies, w00t!
There were deals galore for preserves and jellies. I picked up pickled beets, bread and butter pickles and cucumber relish. I spotted some zucchini jelly which for some reason I didn't buy a jar?!?
I regret it now, come back zuke jelly, come baaaaack!!