Man, I wish I had a picture of some 'human' burnouts....
Sadly, I only have this sand seal brake burn to share:

While I was at Bachman's Beach, trying my luck jigging for some early season mackeral, a white muscle car showed up and proceeded to do some burnouts! And me without my camera...*sob, tears eternal*.
The above burnout wasn't 'fresh' but was better than their measly offering. C'mon guys, I've got a blog to publish! (-_-)
June 28, 2008Upper Cornwall, NS
If you were hankerin' for a big hunk of BBQ'd chicken last Saturday, I hope you skipped the corporate fare at Swiss Chalet and hit this offering by the fire fighters of Upper Cornwall:
A speedy line at their canteen style setup yielded a HUGE portion of chicken 'n' fries, yummy coleslaw and complimentary tea or coffee.
The rain kept threatening to fall, but luckily it stayed away while we were busily munching away on our food.
Near the end of our meal, we started to hear a voice shouting, "fill a bag for a dollar!" Over, and over we finally did!
There was mostly crap left by the time we finished eating, but we managed to score all of the above for the low, low price of one dollah! (^_^)
Stay tuned for tomorrow's post highlighting this weekend's upcoming strawberry suppers and other comfort food goodness