Lahave Islands Museum Hall
Another foggy day (hard to tell them apart these last few weeks), and we had a hankerin' for lil' sammiches! Boy, did we get our fill.....
At any rate, we bought our tickets and headed up a decidedly crooked set of stairs to the second floor. The ceiling is kind of low, and the floors all have that familiar uneven feel of an old building. There wasn't much of a crowd so we took a row of seats along the back wall. Kind of a treat since we didn't have to contend with people bumping into our backs as they tried to get out of their seats.
The soup menu included : hamburg soup (see above), corn chowder, beef and barley and chicken vegetable. By all accounts, they were all delish!
Dessert was rhubarb or apple crisp, the rhubarb was tart and perfect and the apple crisp had the better 'crisp' so I'm told....
If you find yourself at Crescent Beach, make sure you venture out to the Lahave Islands Museum to check out the neat items they have on display!