Check out the schedule and plan your weekend wisely!
Friday night lawn tractor races are worth checking out, but the real draw for me is the burnout competition starting at 6 pm Saturday. Make sure to stick around 'till the end for the all out/free for all. Watch your heads, there will be exploding tires, w00p!
Check out my SSIM posts from last year to get a sense of the awesomeness/ridiculousness that is South Shore in Motion. Don't miss it.
As promised, here are some shots from last week's 'Big Ex', our local agricultural fair, enjoy!

I love all the ornamentation on the merry go round...

Not so sure if this kid appreciated the little details on the ride as much as I did...I'm

Oh, my old is that 7up hat? AWESOME.
Couple carny shots to end the post...

This guy seemed fairly atypical as far as carnies the texture and colours of all the stuffed animals behind him...weird. Probably weirder that I think of 'furries' when I see those toys..

Ah, this was the shot of a carny I was looking for...tummy out, shoulders back, slight lip sneer...did he REALLY think all 'that' was going to get that girl to try to win one of his crappy guitars? Apparently so...
Stay tuned for more shots from The Ex...