Do you have a sweet tooth? Then head up to the Parkdale/Maplewood hall tomorrow for some real maple syrup to go with your pancakes.
Are you a hungry hungry hippo? Head to Bridgewater for the good 'ole Fireman's breakfast.
For those not in 'the know', the "usual menu" in Riverport includes baked beans (if you're lucky) and biscuits on the well as the usual suspects such as: bacon, eggs, toast, etc..
Saturday, January 21.
Parkdale/ Maplewood Hall Breakfast,
7- 10:30 a.m.
Homemade pancakes with local maple syrup, sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, juice, tea, coffee.
Adults $6, youth $3, under 5 free
Information 644-2877
Saturday, January 21.
Fireman's breakfast
Bridgewater Fire Hall
7:00am to 11:00am.
Cost $6.00, $3.00 for under 12 and under 5 eat free.
Saturday, January 21.
Riverport and District Firemen's Breakfast,
7:30- 11:30 a.m.,
Usual menu,
$7 adults; $3 children 6- 12; children 5 and under free.