A couple breakfasts on this weekend, and then a TON of pancake suppers on Shrove Tuesday (March 8). Mmmmm, pancakes.
March 5, Saturday,
Italy Cross, Middlewood and district fire hall,
7-11 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Saturday, March 5,
St. Patrick's Breakfast,
Pinehurst Hall,
7 to 11 a.m
March 5,
Country Breakfast.
Chester Basin Fire Hall.
7:30-10:30 a.m.,
Various menu selections.
Shrove Tuesday (March 8th)
Pancake Supper
West Side United Church, 2702 Hwy 331, Pentz, NS.
4:00 to 6:00 pm.
Pancakes, sausages and dessert will be served.
Adults: $7.00, students: $4.00, children under 5 free.
Pancake Supper,
United Communities fire hall, Cherry Hill.
4 - 6 p.m.,
Adults $6, children 5 - 12 $3, under 5 free.
Pancakes, sausage, coconut cream and lemon pie.
Pancake and Sausage Supper,
Chelsea and District fire hall,
4 :30 - 6 :30.
Adults $6, children $3, under 5 free.
Sponsored by Tops Chapter 5252, Chelsea. Proceeds for Chelsea & District fire dept.
Pancake and Sausage Supper
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall, 78 Alexandra Avenue, Bridgewater.
4:30 p.m.
Adults $6, children (12 &under) $3; 5 and under free.
Sponsored by Holy Trinity Guild of St. Joseph's (Men's Group)
Pancake Supper
St. Mark's Anglican Church, Martin's Point.
4:30- 6:30 p.m.,
Adults $6 and children $3.
Pancake Supper
Petite Riviere Fire Hall,
4:30- 7 p.m.
Pancakes, sausages, biscuits, fruit kabobs, brownie sundaes.
Adults $7, children 5- 12 $3, under 5 free. Stormdate: Wednesday, March 9
Pancake and Sausage Supper
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - 114 Fox St., Lunenburg.
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Menu: Pancakes and syrup, sausages, dessert (gingerbread with topping), milk, tea or coffee. Adults $6; children (6-12) $3; 5 and under free.
St. Andrew's will not be having their breakfast in March but will resume on April 9.
Pancake Supper,
West Northfield community hall,
Starting 5 p.m.
$8/ person.
Proceeds: anglican church and community hall.
Pancake Supper,
3rd Bridgewater Scouts, Bridgewater United Church,
5-6:30 p.m.
Adults $6; 5-12 $3; under 5 free.