Conquerall Bank, NS
It was a foggy and chilly Sunday across the river, down by the showah, ....but it was sunny and hot in Conquerall Bank and in to town.
I've been to suppers here before that involved a large crowd and lots of waiting. This one had a 'normal' sized crowd and hardly any wait to get seated. A pleasant surprise!
No ordering here, you sit down and before you know it, food shows up:

The rolled up luncheon ham, meh. I could do without it, though I ate what was on my plate.
The beans were perfect, the 'gravy' in particular, was stellar.
And that potato salad, as one of my dining companions noted, was "chock-a-block" with goodies inside. I'm assuming a little mustard was added to get the yellow colour, and there were bits of red onion inside as well. We all agreed it was a contender for best potato salad ever.
Of course, the ever delicious molasses brown bread was on sweet. Coleslaw and bread and butter pickles rounded out the offerings on the table.
This strawberry supper was different than most, because it was a bowl of berries for dessert, not shortcake. No matter, a sprinkle of sugar and a splash of milk was all the berries required.

I love the way the pitcher of milk is sweating. I tried and I tried, but none of my shots captured it perfectly...
Sadly, no epic stories to tell from this meal, it was a pleasant afternoon out with friends. We left with bellies full; at 5:15 pm.