As usual, it was a big crowd at this annual event. We got our tickets and this year we were smarter about waiting....we took our folding chairs and waited down by the river for our numbers to be called. It was really nice by the river in the shade, with a cool breeze blowing. Time flew by and before we knew it, we were heading in to get our grub.
The same faces greeted us, doing the same jobs each year. The same woman wiping off plastic trays, the same woman with her hand painted "planked salmon supper quality control" hat handing out plates of salads and bread, soon to be loaded up with the 'good stuff':
What can I say about this supper that I haven't said before? The fish is obviously the reason to show up, the rest of the stuff on the plate....I could take it or leave it. The McD's orange drink is fun for nostalgic reasons, but kinda tastes like ass....the potato salad and coleslaw taste like they came out of a big bulk bucket...but that salmon, the fire braised surface of that meat, amazing!
Stay tuned for the upcoming planked halibut supper at the end of August, a must attend event!