A little belated, so I better post it before I forget what happened....
I hadn't attended a Lun. Legion brekkie in a while, but there were few options last weekend. When we got there, it was packed. After a brief change emergency at the door we met up with some new friends and started to scope out the tables.
Before too long, a cute grannie with white, white hair led Kat down the crowded aisle to her seat. Too call her 'touchie feelie' would be an understatement. She had both of her hands on Kat's hips as they made their way conga style to her seat. Every time the same lady came by the table, one hand was always on your shoulder (or both, right Lisa?). Don't get me wrong, it was very sweet, just not the kind of thing that would happen in say.....Toronto, or more than likely anywhere outside of Lunenburg County.
The wait for our food was long, which only heightened the anticipation. A fellow surfer and his son sat down beside me and we chatted about the morning's surf conditions and the previous night's KISS and AC/DC tribute band concert at the Apple Blossom Festival in the valley.
While we were waiting, Lisa and I moved down the table so we could sit closer to Kat and Kristy. Trouble brewing! Every place setting has a number in front of it on the vinyl table cloth. The staff use these numbers when filling out the breakfast orders (they're pretty organized!). The legion breakfast regulars exclaimed:
"Oh, you don't change seats!"
"We know, we know", we said, "we've got our story ready...."
Sure enough, when our plates of grease finally arrived, there were confused looks on the servers' faces as we tried to explain that those were indeed our plates of food.
The Legion breakfast isn't my favourite food per se, frozen hash browns and weak, weak coffee...but the friendly staff, wood panelling, boisterous diners, the smiling Queen Elizabeth poster on the wall all make it a fun event. And hey, no dishes.
My pics all turned out blurry, but I still want to post this one of our cute sugar bowl. Note to self...next time, slow down and be still: