June 08, 2008
Home to one of the cutest lil' churches and church halls on the South Shore, Canaan is at the end of a dead end road off the Windsor Rd..As luck would have it, we ended up following a mini convoy of cars off the 103 highway, all heading to the turkey supper. Apparently we're not the only ones who knew 'it's worth the drive to Canaan'.
We arrived to a full parking lot:
After a brief wait to be served, we received our delicious plates of food! After adding some awesome mustard pickles and bread and butter pickles, we tucked in to our dinner.
I'm not sure why I love carrots cut with those 'zig zag' blades, but I do. Frozen peas, delish. Mashed taters and stuffing were great. My turkey was good, but there were a few dry and tough bits. My nearby diners were complaining their turkey was tough, so I think I got one of the better plates:
Unfortunately, when it came time to order our dessert, they had run out of the rhubarb custard pie which I was dying to try! My coconut cream pie had a weird dried up topping, not sure what was going on there...Lisa's lemon meringue pie wasn't as dayglo yellow as usual, but just as delicious.
Afterwards, we perused the bake sale table, picked up some brownies, delicious molasses cookies and some brown bread. I'm kicking myself for not buying the carrot cake on the table that was only 9 BUCKS!!!
Next time this supper rolls around, I'm stocking up on more baked goods.
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