Hwy. 208
File under "oldie, but a goodie", this set of 'fish hook' burns is pretty creative, looking more like a 'y' than your usual fish hook burns.
Never underestimate a brake burner's ingenuity when provided with a slight incline, an old set of 'puddin' skin tieyahs' and the desire to burn rubber:

I believe the artist has used a technique known as the "roll-back" (here in Australia anyway). Generally used in vehicles that do no have enough power to spin the tyres from a standing start (good for FWD), the car is rolled-back in reverse then put in to 1st gear, wide open throttle and the clutch is released.
In this photo, I suspect the handbake (E-brake for you guys) has been applied in an attempt to hold the car still, creating more smoke. Whqat can happen though is the rear wheels drag along the road surface, creating the straight marks in this picture.
Just a theory of mine (I love burnouts).
Sweet, thanks for all your expert commentary on the burnouts, Hemi!
Keep 'em coming!
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