Thursday 13 December 2012

Scotland: The Hunterian

Glasgow, Scotland
University of Glasgow
The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
June 19, 2012

This place screams "I am a museum!", doesn't it?  Feast your eyes on The Hunterian, Scotland's oldest public museum.  It is home to the largest single holding of the works of the famous Scottish Arts and Crafts/Art Nouveau designer; Charles Rennie Mackintosh.  Sadly, that exhibit was not open the day we visited the museum.  Frownie faces all around.  

Luckily we managed to amuse ourselves in their permanent collections.  The exhibit of The Antonine Wall was of particular interest to me, mostly because we had been talking about Rome's influence in Scotland the previous evening.  Like most people mistakenly assume, Rome's outer reach did not end at the infamous Hadrian's Wall.  I loved looking at the Roman coinage, garment artifacts, weapons, etc..  The inscribed tablets and other pieces of stone which date The Antonine Wall were also very interesting.

The admission to this museum was free, as was the Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh.  Apparently these are funded by council tax.  Civilized, that.

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