A quiet weekend for breakfasts and luncheons, a small sampling of suppers to whet your appetite..
Saturday, April 30th
Casserole and Salad Supper
Springfield Fire Hall
Adults - $ 8.; Ages 6-12 - $4.; 5 & under - Free.
Proceeds for Springfield Baptist Church.
Saturday, April 30,
Roast Beef Supper.
St. James Anglican Parish Hall, Mahone Bay.
4:30- 6:30 p.m.
Adults $10, children 5- 12 $5, under 5 free.
Takeouts available.
May 1, Sunday,
Cold plate Supper,
Italy Cross, Middlewood & District fire hall,
3- 6 p.m.
Menu: Ham, baked beans, potato salad, rolls, brown bread and cakes.
Adults $8, children 5- 12 $4
Brake burns, church suppers,
fireman's breakfasts, truck tractors,
surfing and all the other things that
make the south shore great!
Friday, 29 April 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Gotta clear out the '10's to make room for the '11's
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Spring also means...brake burns!
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Woo HOO, a cool 17k views! ^_^
I know it's not a big number in the blog-o-sphere, but I did squeal a little when I saw the number!
Thanks to my regular readers in Halifax, Moncton, Ottawa, Washington, Vancouver, Kitchener, Kingston, and of course my South Shore readers!
I appreciate all the views and especially the comments!
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Where are you?
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I hope you have enjoyed this snapshot of the 'ole blog.
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Dirt side road navigation
Monday, 25 April 2011
Birding: Song Sparrow
Friday, 22 April 2011
What's on this weekend? Breakfast by the beach
Head on down to cheery Cherry Hill for a good 'ole Fireman's Breakfast, I hear it's some good.
Saturday, April 23.
Fireman's Breakfast,
United Communities fire hall, Cherry Hill,
8 - 11 a.m.
Adults $6, children 5 -12 $3.25, under 5 free
April 22
Annual Good Friday bean and salad supper,
Upper Cornwall community hall,
4-6 p.m.
Adults $8; children 5-12 $4; under 5 free.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
School of the bigger hammer
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Now that's my kind of lawn!
Monday, 18 April 2011
Just around the corner
Friday, 15 April 2011
What's on this weekend? MAPLE SYRUP!!!
Oh, the choices! If you have a sweet tooth, head out to Maplewood Saturday afternoon...
April 16,
Fireman's Breakfast.
Petite Riviere fire hall,
8-11 a.m.
Full menu, adults $6, under 12 $3, under 5 free.
Information call 688-1174
April 16
Fireman's Breakfast
Riverport and District Fire Hall
7:30-11:30 am
Usual menu
Adults - $6, children (ages 6-12) -$3, children (ages 5 and under) - free
April 17
Mahone Bay Legion
10 am - 1 pm
Adults - $6, children -$3, children (ages 5 and under) - free
April 16
Spring Soup Luncheon
First South United Church
11:30 am
Soups, chowders, coffee, tea and dessert
April 17,
Lobster Roll Luncheon,
Western Shore fire hall.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
$9. Ham cold plate also available.
For advance tickets or deliveries call Donna 627-2697 or Allison 531-2535.
Proceeds Western Shore and district ladies auxiliary.
April 16
Maple Syrup Supper
Parkdale/Maplewood hall
12:30 - 5:30 pm
Adults - $12, youth - $6, under 5 - free
Pancakes, sausage, ham, baked beans, hash browns and ice cream, all with local maple syrup!
Museum will be open to the public. Craft, baked and maple products for sale.
Info: 644-2877
April 16
Bean and Salad Supper
Pinehurst Community Hall
4-6 pm
Adults - $8, children - $3
Proceeds for New West Pine United Chruch.
April 17
Easter Supper
Hebbs Cross Fire hall
4-6:30 pm
Adults - $10, children aged 5 to 12 - $5, children ages 5 and under - free
April 17
Roast beef supper
Chelsea fire hall
4-6 pm
Adults - $10, children under 12 - $5
Proceeds to Chelsea and district fire dept.
April 16,
Fireman's Breakfast.
Petite Riviere fire hall,
8-11 a.m.
Full menu, adults $6, under 12 $3, under 5 free.
Information call 688-1174
April 16
Fireman's Breakfast
Riverport and District Fire Hall
7:30-11:30 am
Usual menu
Adults - $6, children (ages 6-12) -$3, children (ages 5 and under) - free
April 17
Mahone Bay Legion
10 am - 1 pm
Adults - $6, children -$3, children (ages 5 and under) - free
April 16
Spring Soup Luncheon
First South United Church
11:30 am
Soups, chowders, coffee, tea and dessert
April 17,
Lobster Roll Luncheon,
Western Shore fire hall.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
$9. Ham cold plate also available.
For advance tickets or deliveries call Donna 627-2697 or Allison 531-2535.
Proceeds Western Shore and district ladies auxiliary.
April 16
Maple Syrup Supper
Parkdale/Maplewood hall
12:30 - 5:30 pm
Adults - $12, youth - $6, under 5 - free
Pancakes, sausage, ham, baked beans, hash browns and ice cream, all with local maple syrup!
Museum will be open to the public. Craft, baked and maple products for sale.
Info: 644-2877
April 16
Bean and Salad Supper
Pinehurst Community Hall
4-6 pm
Adults - $8, children - $3
Proceeds for New West Pine United Chruch.
April 17
Easter Supper
Hebbs Cross Fire hall
4-6:30 pm
Adults - $10, children aged 5 to 12 - $5, children ages 5 and under - free
April 17
Roast beef supper
Chelsea fire hall
4-6 pm
Adults - $10, children under 12 - $5
Proceeds to Chelsea and district fire dept.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Boys and their toys
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Monday, 11 April 2011
Middlewood United Church Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction Review
Saturday March 26th
Middlewood, NS
You know winter is coming to an end, when crocuses start peeking up out of the soil...and the community fundraisers are more frequent.
It was a sunny and windy Saturday morning as we struck out across the Lahave ferry towards Middlewood. I had an idea where I was going...or so I thought.
When I reached the 103, I made a wrong turn, turned around and stopped at the Italy Cross and Middlewood Fire Hall to ask for directions. The truck bays smelled of old beer bottles as a jolly crew of volunteers were sorting beverage containers from their bottle drive.
I waited 'till I made eye contact with someone and then asked for help. The conversation went something like this:
"Where is the Middlewood hall?"
"This is the Middlewood hall."
"Uh, sorry, the Middlewood church hall? There's a luncheon happening there today?"
"Oh, you mean the Middlewood United church hall, yes...the luncheon is happening from 11-1 pm, just a couple miles down the road on your right."
We certainly asked the right people for directions. Moments later, we arrived at the Middlewood United church.
It took a couple attempts before we found the correct entrance, soon enough we were in this cute, small church hall. Like many churches in the area, the hall and worship space are connected to each other. We entered the hall, paid up and started to look over the items at the silent auction.
As luck would have it, we ran in to the parents of one of my co-workers. They were just arriving as well so we sat together and started chatting. There wasn't much time to chat before the delectable platter of sandwiches arrived:

Turkey salad, seafood salad, ham and cheese, devilled ham...this luncheon had all the 'greatest hits' of the church luncheon universe. As we tucked in to our plates of delish, the devilled eggs arrived and were greeted with open arms (and mouths). So far so good, all the food was excellent!
Another server arrived with a plate of buttered raisin bread, I took a piece to be polite, but I never did eat it.... The ladies serving us were on a mission, to get us fed! We greeted yet another platter of sandwiches to our table and all selected our favourites. Eventually, we started to slow down.
Time for dessert:

I LOVE the cursive handwriting on the blackboard. My teachers tried and tried to teach me to write like that, I don't think I ever did get the hang of it. Definitely a dying art in the age of the paperless office...
All the pies were made from scratch, no complaints at our table! The coconut cream pie looked amazing, as did the french apple pie. I selected my fave, pumpkin pie. As an after thought, our server suggested:
"Would you like some ice cream with that?"
"Yes, please." I replied sheepishly. An excellent addition to my delicious piece of pie.
My tea order got a little mixed up, it tasted like a mix of tea and coffee, a minor blemish on an otherwise splendid outting to Middlewood.
Man, I could go for some tiny sammies right about now....
Middlewood, NS
You know winter is coming to an end, when crocuses start peeking up out of the soil...and the community fundraisers are more frequent.
It was a sunny and windy Saturday morning as we struck out across the Lahave ferry towards Middlewood. I had an idea where I was going...or so I thought.
When I reached the 103, I made a wrong turn, turned around and stopped at the Italy Cross and Middlewood Fire Hall to ask for directions. The truck bays smelled of old beer bottles as a jolly crew of volunteers were sorting beverage containers from their bottle drive.
I waited 'till I made eye contact with someone and then asked for help. The conversation went something like this:
"Where is the Middlewood hall?"
"This is the Middlewood hall."
"Uh, sorry, the Middlewood church hall? There's a luncheon happening there today?"
"Oh, you mean the Middlewood United church hall, yes...the luncheon is happening from 11-1 pm, just a couple miles down the road on your right."
We certainly asked the right people for directions. Moments later, we arrived at the Middlewood United church.
It took a couple attempts before we found the correct entrance, soon enough we were in this cute, small church hall. Like many churches in the area, the hall and worship space are connected to each other. We entered the hall, paid up and started to look over the items at the silent auction.
As luck would have it, we ran in to the parents of one of my co-workers. They were just arriving as well so we sat together and started chatting. There wasn't much time to chat before the delectable platter of sandwiches arrived:

Turkey salad, seafood salad, ham and cheese, devilled ham...this luncheon had all the 'greatest hits' of the church luncheon universe. As we tucked in to our plates of delish, the devilled eggs arrived and were greeted with open arms (and mouths). So far so good, all the food was excellent!
Another server arrived with a plate of buttered raisin bread, I took a piece to be polite, but I never did eat it.... The ladies serving us were on a mission, to get us fed! We greeted yet another platter of sandwiches to our table and all selected our favourites. Eventually, we started to slow down.
Time for dessert:

I LOVE the cursive handwriting on the blackboard. My teachers tried and tried to teach me to write like that, I don't think I ever did get the hang of it. Definitely a dying art in the age of the paperless office...
All the pies were made from scratch, no complaints at our table! The coconut cream pie looked amazing, as did the french apple pie. I selected my fave, pumpkin pie. As an after thought, our server suggested:
"Would you like some ice cream with that?"
"Yes, please." I replied sheepishly. An excellent addition to my delicious piece of pie.
My tea order got a little mixed up, it tasted like a mix of tea and coffee, a minor blemish on an otherwise splendid outting to Middlewood.
Man, I could go for some tiny sammies right about now....
Friday, 8 April 2011
What's on this weekend? ERRYDING!!
Wow, I feel myself getting fat just reading all the good grub on offer this weekend.
Here's a write-up of a previous Spring Brunch at Wesley United, definitely worth checking out.
The advert for the First South Variety Supper is sparse, the selection of food there is not; check it out. Show up early and be prepared for a good 30-40 minute wait. Luckily, there are lots of pews to park your tookus while you wait..and salivate.
April 9,
Hebbs Cross fire dept.,
7-11 a.m.
Adults $6; children 5 and up $3.
April 9,
Andrew's Presbyterian Church at the hall, 114 Fox St., Lunenburg.
7:30-11:30 a.m. St.
The full breakfast menu as usual.
Adults $6, children (6-12) $3, 5 and under free.
April 9th
New Ross Legion
8am till 11am.
Eggs, bacon , sausage, pancakes,beans and toast plus juice , tea and coffee
$8.00 for adults, $4.00 children age 5 to 12 and children under 5 eat free!!
April 9,
Spring Brunch and Sale,
Wesley United Church hall, Petite Riviere.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Menu of quiche, salad, desserts. Bake table, crafts, silent auction.
Sponsored by St. Andrew's Church, Crousetown.
April 9,
Ham, Beans & Scalloped Potato Supper, Cakes for dessert.
St. Luke's church hall, 12713 Rhodes Corner, Hwy 3.
4-6:30 p.m.,
Adults $10, 5-12 years $5 and under 5 free.
Fundraiser for Silver & Mulock Cemeteries.
April 10,
Variety Supper,
Grace Lutheran Church, First South,
4- 6 p.m. Adults, $10, youth, $5, under 5 free.
April 10,
Forties community centre sponsored by the Brothern of Norwood Lodge #135.
4-6 p.m.
Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Casseroles, Dessert.
Adults $8; children 6-12 $4; 5 and under free.
Entertainment and auction.
Proceeds will be used for their special needs programs.
Here's a write-up of a previous Spring Brunch at Wesley United, definitely worth checking out.
The advert for the First South Variety Supper is sparse, the selection of food there is not; check it out. Show up early and be prepared for a good 30-40 minute wait. Luckily, there are lots of pews to park your tookus while you wait..and salivate.
April 9,
Hebbs Cross fire dept.,
7-11 a.m.
Adults $6; children 5 and up $3.
April 9,
Andrew's Presbyterian Church at the hall, 114 Fox St., Lunenburg.
7:30-11:30 a.m. St.
The full breakfast menu as usual.
Adults $6, children (6-12) $3, 5 and under free.
April 9th
New Ross Legion
8am till 11am.
Eggs, bacon , sausage, pancakes,beans and toast plus juice , tea and coffee
$8.00 for adults, $4.00 children age 5 to 12 and children under 5 eat free!!
April 9,
Spring Brunch and Sale,
Wesley United Church hall, Petite Riviere.
11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Menu of quiche, salad, desserts. Bake table, crafts, silent auction.
Sponsored by St. Andrew's Church, Crousetown.
April 9,
Ham, Beans & Scalloped Potato Supper, Cakes for dessert.
St. Luke's church hall, 12713 Rhodes Corner, Hwy 3.
4-6:30 p.m.,
Adults $10, 5-12 years $5 and under 5 free.
Fundraiser for Silver & Mulock Cemeteries.
April 10,
Variety Supper,
Grace Lutheran Church, First South,
4- 6 p.m. Adults, $10, youth, $5, under 5 free.
April 10,
Forties community centre sponsored by the Brothern of Norwood Lodge #135.
4-6 p.m.
Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Casseroles, Dessert.
Adults $8; children 6-12 $4; 5 and under free.
Entertainment and auction.
Proceeds will be used for their special needs programs.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Pumpin' some iron
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Monday, 4 April 2011
Orca 2, you are cleared for landing
Friday, 1 April 2011
What's on this weekend? Eggs 'n' Bacon!!
This weekend, it's time to geeeeet crackin'! Several breakfasts on offer, heck there's even a spring tea in the mix too
April 2, Saturday,
Italy Cross, Middlewood and district fire hall,
7-11 a.m.
Everyone welcome.
April 2,
Easter Breakfast,
Pinehurst Hall,
7-11 a.m.
April 2,
Country Breakfast.
Chester Basin Fire Hall.
7:30-10:30 a.m.,
Various menu selections.
April 2,
Porridge for Parkinson's Benefit
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall, Bridgewater
8-11 am
Menu: Steel-cut Rolled Oat Porridge, Variety of dry cereals, Juice/Toast/Jam, Muffins, Fruit Salad, Tea/Coffee.
Live entertainment.
Door prizes. Emcee - Don Downe.
Free-will offering. Everyone welcome
Saturday April 2nd
Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud, 20 chemin Petite Evangeline, Hwy 10, Cookville.
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM.
Adults - $8.00; under 12 years old - $5.00.
Thank you for supporting our class trip to Paris.
April 2,
Spring Tea and Chinese Auction.
Cornwall & District Fire Department, Middle Cornwall, NS
2 p.m.,
April 2, Saturday,
Italy Cross, Middlewood and district fire hall,
7-11 a.m.
Everyone welcome.
April 2,
Easter Breakfast,
Pinehurst Hall,
7-11 a.m.
April 2,
Country Breakfast.
Chester Basin Fire Hall.
7:30-10:30 a.m.,
Various menu selections.
April 2,
Porridge for Parkinson's Benefit
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall, Bridgewater
8-11 am
Menu: Steel-cut Rolled Oat Porridge, Variety of dry cereals, Juice/Toast/Jam, Muffins, Fruit Salad, Tea/Coffee.
Live entertainment.
Door prizes. Emcee - Don Downe.
Free-will offering. Everyone welcome
Saturday April 2nd
Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud, 20 chemin Petite Evangeline, Hwy 10, Cookville.
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM.
Adults - $8.00; under 12 years old - $5.00.
Thank you for supporting our class trip to Paris.
April 2,
Spring Tea and Chinese Auction.
Cornwall & District Fire Department, Middle Cornwall, NS
2 p.m.,
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