Roast Beef Supper
Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia
Oct. 20, 2007
This supper is a guaranteed good meal. That's it. Tender roast beef, delicious pickles on the table, checkerboard cake, who could ask for more? The only thing that could disrupt our plans? Chatty Kathy.
We should've known she was trouble from the second she and her ex-con husband sat down across from us. Within seconds she was spooning chow chow on half of a dinner roll, voraciously eating it. Then, on to the coleslaw. Again, eating it off a dinner roll. Chow chow and coleslaw cascaded down on the vinyl table cloth. And still, she kept eating....
The next victim in her sights was our nearby 'table cake':
Seems innocent enough, right? A lovely looking cake, right? Not for long...she proceeded to cut off a small piece, and then only ate half of it. A puzzled frown quickly spread over her face.
"What kind of cake do you think that is?" she asked us, "i can't tell, it looks like barley bread, don't you think it looks like barley bread?"
For the rest of our meal she inquired with anyone who would make eye contact with her, if they thought this cake looked like barley bread.....
To be fair, she was only being 'neighbourly', and the only reason I mention her 'quirks' is because I've never seen anyone behave that way at a supper. As hard as I tried not to make eye contact, she kept talking to Lisa and myself:
"Where are you from?"
"Do you go to many of these suppers?"
"Don't you think that cake looks like barley bread?"
"These pickles are tough" (they were tough, I'll give her that)
Oh, and dinner was great. For dessert, we had squash pie and pumpkin pie, both were great. Squash pie is a little drier and less 'spicy' than pumpkin pie, well worth trying!
I ate up as fast as I could so we could escape without being pumped for more information by Chatty Kathy. I have a bad feeling this isn't the last we've seen of her...Stay tuned, faithful readers!
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