It was a cloudy afternoon, but luckily the rain held off so we didn't have to get wet running from the parking lot to the hall. No mad lineups at this supper, those folks in First South are missing out....
We were greeted at the door with:
"Oh, I remember you guys..."
I guess we are slowly becoming regulars at this supper!
I had to take some pictures of this empty table before it filled up with diners. I got a couple strange looks while I was taking the shots, nothing new there. Note all the matching plates and cups on the table in the following shots:
As always, the 'table cakes' were in attendance. We were seated beside a scrumptious looking carrot cake. Oh, temptation loomed....
Before too long our server took our order, usually they start with a single question:
"The works?"
To which I always answer:
"Yes please!"
The works consisted of the usual fare: a weiner broiled to perfection, awesome baked beans and scalloped potatoes and ham instead of a chicken drumstick. See for yourself:
Not to be left out, there were copious amounts of salads on the table to enjoy as well. The ever popular broccoli and sauerkraut salads, pickled beets, bread and butter pickles, cole slaw, an interesting rice salad that was being elusive further down the table and big honkin' bowls of potato salad:

As we filled our hungry bellies with good food, we had a few laughs, but mostly our attention was focussed on the food. A sure sign of a good meal!
Several slices of sweet brown molasses bread later, it was time for dessert. I skipped the table cake and went straight for the home made custard pie. It was delecate and delicious as expected. No shortage of choices of both pies and cakes, it paid to show up relatively early!
As always, it's worth the drive to Maitland!
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