There weren't any worries about making 'the first sitting' at this event, their suppers are set up in a big gymnasium with many, many available seats. Before too long, we were in line, waiting to have our plates heaped high with all manner of 'down home' goodness.
When I got to the corned beef station, the server whispered to a nearby helper,
"We only have 2 trays left"
"People showed up so early!"
Luckily, they didn't run out before we were served, crisis averted!
Boiled potatoes, carrots, turnips and cabbage were the side dishes. Corned beef was the showcase. The dessert table was extensive, with a few slices of butter tart pie remaining, along with the usual selection of pumpkin, cherry, apple and other pies on offer.
We found some quiet seats at the far end of the hall, and then scoured the table for pickles. We were not dissapointed, there was a bowl of delicious home made chow chow, and eventually we found some pickled beets hiding further down the table. Later, a server refilled our table with mixed bread and butter pickles as we battled for few pieces of pickled cauliflower.
The corned beef was delicious, not as salty as it was 2 years ago. The vegetables were boiled 'n' bland, just as the lord intended. Luckily, the chow, yellow prepared mustard and white vinegar (for the cabbage) helped add some flavour. ^_^
Here's a look at the meal and my pumpkin pie:
I enjoyed my pumpkin pie, but it was not universally well received at our table. The butter tart pie was so sweet, it made my fellow diners' teeth squeak! We diluted the sugar in our mouths with numerous cups of tea as we let our meals digest....another successful outting to Blandford!
Here are some random pics of the crowd to end this post:
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