This past Saturday was a perfect day for a drive on the Aspotogan Peninsula. Sunshine bathed the many coves in its warm rays as we made our way to Blandford for their annual corned beef and cabbage supper. I started my 2009 surfing season earlier that day, so I had a healthy appetite. My hunger was quickly satisfied...There weren't any worries about making 'the first sitting' at this event, their suppers are set up in a big gymnasium with many, many available seats. Before too long, we were in line, waiting to have our plates heaped high with all manner of 'down home' goodness.When I got to the corned beef station, the server whispered to a nearby helper,"We only have 2 trays left""People showed up so early!"Luckily, they didn't run out before we were served, crisis averted!Boiled potatoes, carrots, turnips and cabbage were the side dishes. Corned beef was the showcase. The dessert table was extensive, with a few slices of butter tart pie remaining, along with the usual selection of pumpkin, cherry, apple and other pies on offer.We found some quiet seats at the far end of the hall, and then scoured the table for pickles. We were not dissapointed, there was a bowl of delicious home made chow chow, and eventually we found some pickled beets hiding further down the table. Later, a server refilled our table with mixed bread and butter pickles as we battled for few pieces of pickled cauliflower.The corned beef was delicious, not as salty as it was 2 years ago. The vegetables were boiled 'n' bland, just as the lord intended. Luckily, the chow, yellow prepared mustard and white vinegar (for the cabbage) helped add some flavour. ^_^Here's a look at the meal and my pumpkin pie:
I enjoyed my pumpkin pie, but it was not universally well received at our table. The butter tart pie was so sweet, it made my fellow diners' teeth squeak! We diluted the sugar in our mouths with numerous cups of tea as we let our meals digest....another successful outting to Blandford! Here are some random pics of the crowd to end this post:
BreakfastsMarch 28, Saturday, Firemen's Breakfast, United Communities Fire Hall, Cherry Hill, 8-11 a.m. Adults $6; 5-12 years $3.25; under 5 free.March 28, Breakfast at Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg, 7:30- 11:30 a.m. Adults $6; ages 5- 12, $3. Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215SuppersMarch 28, Corned beef and cabbage supper, Blandford Community Centre, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Adults $10; children $5Saturday, March 28, Turkey Supper. 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., Barss Corner Community Hall. Adults $10., 6-12 $4., 5 and under free. Proceeds for the Baptist Picnic Grounds.
South showah, represent!
Spotted where the Lahave meets the ocean. I wonder if the seagulls that follow fishing boats ever get anything to eat? If they don't, why do they follow fishing boats? Deep thoughts....
Sure it snowed a little bit last night, (what local folks would call 'sugar snow' or 'nature's fertilizer')...but these old drywall compound buckets gathering sugar maple sap are a sure sign of spring!
Beautiful red tailed hawk spotted close to work last week:
Lots of breakfasts on offer this weekend...I think I'll have to pick the Blandford brekkie, solely based on the choice of fried bologna for breakfast!
BreakfastsMarch 21, Spring Breakfast, Royal Canadian Legion Branch #24 Bridgewater, 7:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, homemade beans, toast, tea, coffee, juice. Adults $6; children (5-12) $4; under 5 free. Everyone welcome. Proceeds: Veteran's Benevolent Fund.March 21, Saturday: Riverport and District Firemen's Breakfast, 7:30- 11:30 a.m., usual menu, $6.00 adults; $3.00 children 6- 12; children 5 and under free.March 21, Breakfast, Blandford Community Centre, 9 to 11 a.m. Bologna, sausage, eggs, beans, hashbrowns, toast, juice, coffee, tea. Adults $6; children $3; under 5 free. Storm date March 22, Brunch, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Somebody was having a good day at Risser's Beach!I can fly!!!!
Looks like it was painted red at one point in time....
Fresh brake burns!
Spotted at the intersection of the Mount Pleasant Rd. and the Lighthouse Route.....right in front of the church ^_^
Cold nights and warm days = maple syrup season!!! There are several breakfasts to choose from this weekend, but my pick this weekend has to be the stick to your ribs St. Paddy's day supper in the forties. Mmmmm, corned beef and cabbage, I can almost taste it....BrekkiesSat., March 14Parkdale/Maplewood Hall7-10:30 amBacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes with real maple syrup (made just down the road), toast, juice, tea and coffeeAdults: $6Kids 5-12: $3Under 5: free644-2877 Sat., March 148-11 amBlockhouse and District Fire HallBaked beans, eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns, tea, coffee and juiceAdults: $6Children: $3Sat., March 14Hebbs' Cross Fire HallAll you can eat!Adults: $6 Children: $3SuppersSunday, March 15St. Patrick's Day Supper4-6 pmForties Community CentreDoors open @ 4 pmServing starts @ 4:30 pmCorned beef and cabbage, carrots and boiled potatoes, dessert$9
We went in search of waves...this is what we found:
Oh well, can't win 'em least I got some pictures out of the trip ^_^
He had to wait a while for it, but this guy finally caught a nice ride home.
Taken last Saturday when it was sunny and mild:
Last Saturday was a gorgeous day, here are some folks putting the mild breeze to good use down at the boardwalk at Risser's Beach Provincial Park:
Spotted in the recently renamed community of Baker Settlement:
Just a few breakfasts on offer this weekend....BrekkiesMarch 7Country Breakfast7:30 - 10:30 amChester Basin Fire HallVarious menu selectionsMarch 7Italy Cross, Middlewood and District Fire Hall7 - 11 amAll welcome
The recent rain has once again zamboni'd the lakes! I looked out the window this morning, wondering if I was going to brave the cold wind before work....I waffled, but I finally strapped on my skates and went for a spin for ~10 minutes. It was cold, but worth it! Afterwards, I went back to shoot some pics to share, enjoy!:
Nah, a couple pylons should be enough...Way to underachieve Nova Scotia Dept. of Transportation!The dump road (Mullock Rd.) breaks up like this year after year....I guess we'll have to wait for an election, or a rich tory supporter to move to this road before it gets fixed:
This one's from a couple weeks ago....the offenders 'claim' there was snow in the lot when they parked...a likely story >_<
These solar powered LED lights were put out for a birthday party and...are still hangin' out, casting some neat light on the snow. ^_^