The hall was warm and cozy, I love this place. Exposed wood makes it feel even cosier, with some neat exposed beams and pillars. An interesting space nonetheless.
Turnout was lighter than last year, so the volunteers made every attempt to load us up with food. Not that we were complaining, the food was just as great as we remembered. First round, lil' sammiches:
My plate await'eth the sammiches...
Cream cheese and cherries, mmmmmm....
The muthaload!
There were: cucumber, tuna, devilled ham, cream cheese and cherry, mock seafood, shredded carrots and some mystery substance...All were delectable! I have a soft spot for devilled ham, maybe the thought of eating it in the house of the lord is enough? Speaking of meals of the beast, devilled eggs!
Sorry it's out of focus, I am kicking myself for not holding the camera steadier, I guess I was too excited to eat these goodies! As you can see, some of them have a slice of olive on top of them which was a neat touch.
Dessert was a choice of trifle or apple crumble with frozen yoghurt. To be honest, we were both pretty stuffed by the time dessert rolled around, but we managed to clean most of our dessert plates. ^_^
I picked up a pair of knitted socks, mitts and dish cloth for a crand total of $15! Can't beat those prices.
I'm already looking to next year's luncheon!
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