Sat., Nov.8
We were not going to pass up a chance to attend this supper. Especially since it was exactly a year ago to the day when we missed attending this one due to an impromptu delivery of a foot of snow! Not___fun.
We arrived shortly after the supper started, the hall was about 1/2 full, lots of empty places to sit and a full list of pies for dessert. Victory was ours!
The women minding the door asked us how far we had travelled, one of them commented:
"We get so excited when we see young people at these suppers!"
Her co-worker reconized us from a previous supper and also noted:
"Well, anyone under 50 is considered young, here!"
These Maitland suppers are awesome and this one was no exception! We both asked for "everything" by default and started to drool at the table cake and other sweets while we waited. Our steaming plates of food arrived before long:
The cabbage was sweet and delicious, the weiner was just what the doctor ordered, baked beans were molasses-y sweet and good, scalloped potatoes didn't leave me wanting and the fried chicken rounded out the hot meal.
Home made pickles, cole slaw and sauerkraut salad were quickly gobbled up...We found the potato salad later on and made room for it on our plates. There was also an odd carrot and red-brown sauce salad we didn't end up trying..perhaps it was catalina dressing?
The showcase of this meal, was the table cake. No contest. It was hard to avoid, as you can see from this picture:
Normally I don't indulge, but I felt oddly obliged in this case. We lucked out and it was an amazing carrot cake! Also within arms reach was a tiny plate of various brownies and pieces of cake. Needless to say, we left overly full of food. Oh, I also sampled one of the pies on offer, a subtle pumpkin pie:
It reminded me of the squash pie I've sampled here before. You could tell it was made with real pumpkin flesh, not that canned crap! Not too spicy, it was true in convenient pie format!
Several cups of tea later (where was the suspendered tea guy? we're worried....), we staggered back to the car. It was 4:41 pm.
We must be assimilating well....
them be some good looking baked beans and squash pie.
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