This breakfast is pretty awesome. Not much exciting to 'report'....Home made hash browns are still awesome, as is the bacon! And smiles are free, as always:
Looks like the fundraising has been put to good use, the hall has been renovated and it looks great. Out with the wood panelling!
Kids still have an activity table for colouring, as well as freebies at the door....keep your eyes peeled for their next breakfast, should be decorated for Hallowe'en which is always fun. I wonder what this guy was biting/eating? I'm guessing it's not 'food'....
The highlight of the meal was poaching the nearby glass of juice. Anyone else remember those good 'ole Schwartz mustard glasses? Awesome! ^_^
Dayspring & District Fire Department Fireman's Breakfast Sat., Sept. 27 7:30- 11am Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast, tea, coffee, juice, muffins and cheese Adults $6 Children 5-12 $4 Under 5 - free! The Dayspring brekkie is my pick for the weekend, they usually decorate the hall to a theme, so this one will probably be either Fall or hopefully Hallowe'en. Always fun to see grannies dressed up like hoboes and devils.
Royal Canadian Legion #23 Lunenburg, NS Saturday, September 27 7:30-11:30am Adults $6 Children 5-12 $3 Takeout: $6.50 -- delivery available until 9 am. Last month for delivery! 634-4215
United Communities Hall Fireman's Breakfast Cherry Hill, NS 8-11am
Bean and Salad Supper Pinehurst Community Hall Sept. 27 4-6 pm Adults - $8 Children - $3 Proceeds for New West Pine United Church
Fish Fry Western Shore Fire Hall Sept. 27 and Sept. 28 12-6 pm Eat in or take out. Haddock, fries and coleslaw. 1 piece - $5 2 pieces - $7.50 3 pieces - $9.50 Assorted desserts available. Sponsored by St. Mark's Anglican Church
I need to get a good Atlantic coastal identification book. I spend enough time at the beach, I figure I should know what I'm looking at.
I am kicking myself I didn't get pictures of the sunset at c.hill two nights ago, it looked like a frickin' tie dye t-shirt!Oh well, here's some beach/dune grass:
It's hard not to like what you get at this supper. Sadly, no pictures to share for this report. I am still kicking myself for not having it with me!
We passed by the Maitland hall ~3:30, and the hardcore locals were already lined up in the parking lot! After running a bunch of errands, we hit the supper on the trip back home. It was not as packed as we anticipated, with only about half of the seats occupied. Usually this supper is packed to the rafters, so not sure what else was going on that afternoon.
We sat right in front of a gorgeous table cake, complete with white icing dripping over the sides of the cake like soap suds running down the side of a car. There were several yummy side dishes on the table including: pickled beets, bread and butter pickles, coleslaw, an amazing broccoli salad and a vinegar based coleslaw (sans mayonnaise).
I chose ham as my option, but I realized later I could have had ham AND a weiner! Oh well, Lisa was kind enough to give me a bite of hers. Dinner was pretty standard. Dark, molasses-y baked beans, really good scalloped potatoes and good 'ole picnic ham. The bread basket was brimming with oatmeal bread, molasses brown bread, cheese rolls, pillsbury crescent type thingees and your standard dinner roll.
The 'tea guy' was absent from this dinner, I neglected to find out why. He's pretty much a fixture at these events, I hope he's okay. I managed to drink about 6 cups of their fine black tea elixir!
The highlight of the dinner were our dining neighbours. We sat next to a rowdy bunch of grannies and it was great! They weren't shy to ask for what they wanted,
"Now, I KNOW there's a cherry cake back there somewhere." probably because she baked it! "WHERE did that chocolate cake go?"
Our resident table cake was the subject of lots of discussion:
"Are those raisins or chocolate chips?" "I think they are raisins.." "Oh, I don't care for raisins, must be a spice cake..." "My father used to tell me that my mom would sweep dead flies in to my raisin box." Nice...
We kept getting prodded to take a slice of the cake, but eventually a nearby diner took the plunge. It was spice cake on the outside and a yellow cake on the inside:
"Ohhhh, it's a Tom and Jerry cake!" "Yup, it's a Tom and Jerry cake..."
After my INCREDIBLE slice of custard pie (did I mention it was incredible?), I managed to scarf down a piece of the Tom and Jerry cake. The cherry cake further down the table had me looking, but there was 'no room at the inn', in my stomach!
Wow, I still want another slice of that custard pie!
Update! Here's a recipe for what looks like the same Tom & Jerry Cake:
Recipe for Tom and Jerry Cake
Ingredients: 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup milk 3 cups unbleached flour 3 large eggs 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla Angel Food Cake Pan
For 1st Bowl
In large bowl, mix the above ingredients with a wooden spoon. Mix till smooth. You can use a hand mixer if you wish. I have never made this with an electric mixer, so I cannot tell you how the cake comes out.
Get another large bowl, and place 1/2 the batter into it. bowl. Ingredients for the second bowl: 3 tablespoons Grandmas Molasses 1 teaspoon cloves, crushed 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups of raisins, which have been dusted with flour. Mix all together with wooden spoon or hand mixer.
Place the mixture in the second bowl (the darker mixture) into a greased and lightly floured Angel Food Cake Pan. Now, pour the 1st bowl of light batter on top of the dark batter. Place in a 350 degree oven for about 50-60 minutes. Remove from pan when warm. You may use powdered sugar on top.
Old recipe by George J. Drolet, from The Yankee Kitchen Cookbook 1969
On the West Coast at the Foster Freeze and DQ stands back in the 60's we would order a BOSTON SHAKE. That was a thick milk shake with a DQ soft-serve sundae built into it...looking somewhat like a Float but with the topping visible (hot fudge?) Usually the sundae flavor matched the shake flavor...Chocolate/chocolate or Butterscotch/butterscotch, but having a hot fudge sundae float in your butterscotch shake was a real treat too.
Let me know when you're getting sick of the weekly market pics:
Peppers and flowers courtesy of Maple Grove Farms, located just outside of New Germany in Farmington, NS
I love all of the signs they write up for the fruit, thanks for the hot tips! ^_^ These mixed baskets of fruit really remind me of baskets of Niagra fruit at the Peterborough farmers' market. Dang, I have really been enjoying the peaches! Only the best apple variety eVar!
A word to the wise, show up early to this shindig!
I knew something was up from the number of cars on the road. After purchasing my ticket for a ridiculously low $7.50, I realized I had a bit of a wait ahead of me, so I wandered down the road for some 'classic' seaside shots:
I returned to the hall, only to realize what I thought was #98, was actually #86! Still, a little more waiting, time to try some people shots indoors:
Before too long, it was time to take the leaning staircase up to the top floor, which is pretty tiny, as you can see:
Not long after I seated myself, I got my plate of....everything:
I'm not entirely sure which casserole I was eating, but they were all delicious. I'm glad I turned up when I did, a couple dishes were already 'sold out':
I had a 'foster granny' sitting beside me, who made sure I got some of each salad on the table. There were 4 or 5 salads, including an incredible coleslaw with fresh, chunky green cabbage in it, amazing!
Other folks at our table were comparing this supper to the previous weekend's blueberry supper in Parkdale/Maplewood. The overwhelming conclusion was that this supper was the better value, and tastier. While I can't argue the first point, I'd say it was a tie on the flavour comparison.
I found room for carrot cake (apparently I took the last piece, victory was mine!), there was no room in the inn for the delectable looking Washington Pie sitting right in front of me. Vanilla pound cake, jam in the middle, topped with whipped cream. I wonder why they're called Washington Pies?
The delicious cakes
Washington Piein foreground
After all was said and done, I turned around to take a picture of the next round of supper eaters filing in to the hall:
Next time you see a supper advertised for Lahave Islands, check it out!
Saturday, Sept. 13 Hebbs Cross Fire Hall 7-11 am All you can eat Adults - $5.50 Children 5-12 - $3 Under 5 - free
Saturday, Sept. 13 Variety Supper Lahave Islands Community Hall Bell's Islands (end of Crescent Beach) 4-6:30 This is my pick for the weekend, lovely spot, water is all packed in (up, to the second floor) by HAND! So, thank the old timers for all their hard work!
Sunday, Sept. 14 Strawberry Shortcake Supper Italy Cross, Middlewood and District Fire Hall 3-6 pm Ham, baked beans, potato salad, scalloped potatoes, rolls, brown bread, cakes, strawberry shortcake. Adults: $8 Children (5-12): $4
I eagerly await this supper each year. Maybe it's the delicious sauerkraut salad, maybe it's the smeltz potatoes, or maybe it's the warm 'n' fuzzy community feel you get from this event. At any rate, the annual Parkdale/Maplewood Heritage Blueberry supper was a resounding success!
After the initial confusion (where do we get tickets, again?) we made the rounds of the nearby museum as we waited for our numbers to be called. I spotted this interesting 'specimen', wonder if there's anything inside? Adrenalin inhalant, it's good for what ails you!
After a nice catch chat with an old aquaintance, we made our way to the hall. Danny Penney greeted us at the door:
"you been here before?" "yup""know how it works?""yup""eat until you're full"
We approached the food table, our stomachs growling in anticipation.We need a 'wanted word' for the type of hunger you get before a supper like this. A word that describes the hunger you get, when you haven't eaten much all day, leaving lots of room for the community supper. Help me out, wordsmiths!
Sauerkraut salad in foreground
Plates full, bellies empty, we tucked in to our meals. What a spread! Lemme recap: hodge podge (not 'orthodox', basically peas, beans, onions and blend mixed in with mashed potatoes), smeltz potatoes (pork scraps, onions, blend and apples mixed with mashed was AMAZING), sauerkraut, lunenburg sausage and pudding, sauerkraut salad and solomon gundy.Not for the faint of heart, or vegetarians for that matter....I look forward to the sauerkraut salad every year, though this year the smeltz potatoes gave it a run for its money.Here's a glimpse: front--left=>right: sauerkraut salad, lun. sausage, sauerkraut.back--left=>right: homemade brown bread, hodge podge, lun. pudding, smeltz potatoes
By this point, I had a sweaty upper lip, the air was 'right close', as the locals would say...Dessert was a choice of blueberry grunt or blueberry pie. I chose the grunt, of course! Blueberries were supplied by my old employer, Randy Naugler and his Nogwild brand blueberries.The grunt was excellent, I even used some of the vanilla ice cream to sweeten my tea.Grunt is basically stewed (and usually sweetened) blueberries, served on top of a dumpling and in this case, with ice cream as well.
What a meal! Needless to say, belly was full....spent the remainder of my time there snapping some candids:
Warden Jack Wentzell serving up tea.
One of Ginny Wentzell's many products...I'm so glad this shot turned out!
I kept telling myself to just shoot people this morning, no still life shots! Hope you like 'em:
Deborah, from Laughing Whale coffee, serving up Lunenburg's finest brew!
Didier Julien graces us with his prescence, along with his mother in law (I should know her name, I've only been shopping from her at the market for 4 YEARS!)