Conquerall Mills, NS
June 21, 2008
I look forward to this event every year, and with good reason. An afternoon of free entertainment, followed by an elbow macaroni and ground beef comfort food extravaganza, what's not to love?!
We watched the single horse and medium team horse pulls for about an hour. The air was muggy and thick with the smell of horses, hay, manure and cigarette smoke. Lots of men sporting 'muffin top' bellies in attendance, thank god for belts!
It was interesting to watch the various styles of driving horses. Some guys like to shout, snap the reigns and push on the horses:
One senior teamster simply whistled and the horse did his bidding:
Hehe, that horse looks like it knows it did a good job, eh?
I've worked with both, young/fiery horses and older/calm horses and believe me, slow and steady gets way more accomplished in a day than a young 'hot' horse.
Tomorrow, pictures from the medium class teams. Keep your eyes peeled for 'the kid'.
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