Shot last Monday, at the Riverport wharf, while waiting for the Spring mackeral run....The shadows on the white building caught my eye.
Wow, decisions, decisions....The Maitland Spring Tea is on my 'to do' list for the weekend. Check out the horse/ox pull in New Cumberland. If you love ground beef, check out the variety supper there as well...
Saturday, May 28,
Pinehurst Hall,
All proceeds for the New Germany and area food bank.
May 28,
Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg,
7:30-11:30 a.m.
Adults $6; ages 5-12, $3.
Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215Saturday, May 28,
Newfie Breakfast,
Chester Basin Legion. 7:30-10:30,
Menu selections and take-out available.Saturday, May 28.
Fireman's Breakfast,
United Communities fire hall, Cherry Hill,
8 - 11 a.m.
Adults $6, children 5 -12 $3.25, under 5 free.Sunday, May 29,
Mahone Bay Legion. 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Adults $6, children $3, under 5 free.LuncheonsSaturday, May 28, Lobster Sandwiches, Petite Riviere fire hall. 10 a.m.-noon, Pantry table, handmade jewellery. Eat-in or take-out. Don't be disappointed, come early! Proceeds for St. Michael's Anglican Church, Petite RiviereMay 28, Springtime Luncheon and Sale. Bridgewater United Church, 87 Hillcrest Street, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Baking, craft and plant table, trinkets and treasures table, Wee Wisdom cookie sale. Adults $7, children $3.50TeasSunday, May 29, Spring Tea. Maitland Community Centre, 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Cold plate (chicken or ham). Chinese auction, baked goods, tickets on grocery box, fudge, plants, books and crafts. Adults $8, children $4. Information 624-9416 SuppersSaturday, May 28, Ox/Horse Pull and Variety Supper Lake Centre-New Cumberland hall. Pull starts noon. Canteen. Supper 4- 6 p.m. Adults $10, 12 and under $5, 5 and under free. Rain date Sunday 29.May 28,
Turkey Supper,
Epworth United Church, New Germany,
4-6 p.m.
Adults $10, children under 12 $5, under 5 free.Sunday May 29.Lobster Supper, Fort Point Museum, LaHave. Seatings at 5 or 5:30. Take-outs available. 1.5 lb lobster, potato salad, coleslaw, rolls and dessert. $25 for Historical Society members, $30 non members. Reservations necessary. Call 688-1970 to reserve.
The purple finch and goldfinch at the feeder weren't concerned by the chickadee's attempts to get some seeds. Poor lil' guy.
Shot last week at the regional track and field competition in Lunenburg. I was there cheering on my alma mater, the fightin' orange and brown! Actually, I wasn't cheering the racers.....I was the creepy hutterite looking dude, practicing my action shots.
My eye was drawn to the 'atmospheric perspective' looking up the river. A thousand shades of May, I mean grey.
Another flower I wish I could eat, they look so delectable...
I love spotting goldfinches and purple finches at the feeder! I hope I can snap a shot of the gorgeous ring necked pheasant that has been hanging around the yard...
They smell so delicious, if only I could eat them.... burns.
Yeah, neither do I. I had to dig up this shot from April 22nd to remind myself that the sky 'can' be blue, not grey.
This cute little house on the Union Square road is for sale, if you fancy a change of scenery...
"What was that clicking sound?!?....I'm outtaheih!"
I was overwhelmed by all the colour this weekend. Glorious magnolia, forsythia and cherry blossoms everywhere! Farmers' fields were so green, I could imagine that I was in Ireland..This shot was taken last week, under overcast skies, not quite as electric as the sights this past weekend, but a pleasant dash of colour nonetheless.
Oh, the choices....The Daffodil tea in Petite is always great, as are all the supper options. Get out there and enjoy some community grub this weekend!
BreakfastsMay 7, Saturday.
Italy Cross, Middlewood & District fire hall,
7- 11 a.m.
Everyone welcome. Saturday, May 7,
Pinehurst Hall,
7- 11 a.m.
Proceeds for the hall. May 7,
Country Breakfast.
Chester Basin Fire Hall. 7:30-10:30 a.m.,
Various menu selections. Sunday, May 8,
Mother's Day breakfast,
Chelsea fire hall,
7:30-10:30 a.m.
Adults $6, children 5-12 $3, under 5 free.
All proceeds for the Chelsea and district fire department.Teas/LuncheonsMay 7,
Coffee Party and Bake Sale.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rose Bay,
10:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Adults $7, under 12 $3, under 5 free Saturday, May 7,
Spring Tea.
All Saints Lutheran Church, Newcombville,
11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Bake and white elephant table.
Adults $6, under 12 $3, under 5 free. Assorted desserts. Saturday, May 7. Annual Daffodil Tea and Sale. Wesley United Church, Petite Riviere, 2- 4 p.m. Delicious sandwiches and sweets. Adults $8, children under 12 $4, under 5 free. Bake, plant and white elephant tables. Proceeds for UCW SuppersSaturday, May 7,
Hot Turkey Supper.
Little Red School, Canaan. 3:30- 6 p.m.,
Adults $10, 5- 12 $5, under 5 free.
Bake table available. Proceeds: Little Red SchoolSaturday, May 7,
Roast Turkey Dinner,
Trinity United Church, Rose Bay,
4:30- 6:30. Price,
adults $10, children $5, under 5 free.Sunday, May 8. Mother's Day Supper. Forties Community Centre, 1787 Forties Road, New Ross. Adults $10, children 5- 12 $5, under 5 free. 4:30- 6 p.m. Doors open at 4, serving starts at 4:30. Chicken, potatoes, vegetables, dessert, pie, tea, coffee
Sometimes, it's just easier to pull right up to the pumps! I think this guy was just filling a jerry can, but you get the idea.
Anyone who has ventured down this mogul run, masquerading as a 'road' knows that this homemade protest road sign is sadly, correct.Gary Ramey, PAVE THIS ROAD! You used it as an example of poor roads during your campaign, I seen you in to the paypuh an erryding.
This picture (shot last Saturday on the Lahave River) sums up the collective cloud of melancholy that is hanging over myself and my friends after last night's election results. ALL HAIL EMPEROR PALPATINE! ...err, I mean Harper. To paraphrase the Bhagavad Gītā, "Now, he is become death, the destroyer of Canada."
I spotted lots of fat Chestnut buds this weekend, swollen and ready to explode!