This colour of this house makes me smile, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
The gas price made me frown, the typo made me grin. (T_T)=b
A shot from Ski Tuonela, taken TODAY. According to owner, Chris Law, they received 25 cm of pow pow last night, 35 cm since Sunday! Hard to believe they have so much snow up there. If you love skiing, get up there to catch the white stuff while you still can..
Spotted in Lunenburg last week. *grins*
If you like fried bologna, I recommend the Chester Basin Newfie breakfast. The Cherry Hill breakfast is always a treat as well.
I will be checking out the Middlewood Spring luncheon on Saturday, tiny sammies....what's not to love?
Take your pic of delicious suppers, the corned beef and cabbage supper is great!BreakfastsSaturday, March 26,
Newfie Breakfast,
Chester Basin Legion.
Menu selections and take-out available.March 26,
Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg,
7:30-11:30 a.m.
Adults $6; ages 5-12, $3.
Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215Saturday, March 26.
Fireman's Breakfast,
United Communities fire hall, Cherry Hill,
8 - 11 a.m.
Adults $6, children 5 -12 $3.25, under 5 free.Teas/LuncheonsSaturday, March 26,
Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction.
Middlewood United Church Hall (just past Exit 16, highway 103).
11:30- 1:30,
Scrumptious sandwiches and pies.
$6.50 SuppersSaturday, March 26,
Turkey Supper.
Barss Corner community hall.
4:30- 6:30 p.m.
Adults $10, 6- 12 years $4, 5 and under free.
Proceeds for Baptist Picnic GroundsMarch 26, (Storm date Mar. 27) Blandford Community Centre, Corned Beef & Cabbage Supper, 4:30- 6 p.m. $10 Adults, $5 Youth (5-12), Under 5 Free. Corned Beef, Cabbage, Turnip, Carrots, Potatoes, Pie, Coffee/TeaSaturday, March 26,
Baked Ham and Variety Supper,
North Brookfield Hall,
4:30- 6:30 p.m.
Free will offering. Takeout service available.
There will come a day when no one knows how to paint olde tyme sale signs for grocery store windows. And no, doing it in Photoshop is NOT the same, pffft. Spotted in Barss Corner. every way. For once, I didn't do any adjustments to the shot, no levels, no auto white balance, nuttin'. Shot at Ross Farm a couple of weeks ago. The stove was made by the Lunenburg Foundry. ^_^
I think he was more cold than forlorn, with me, folks.
After catching some waves, I caught the setting sun in Lower Kingsburg, looking at Kings Bay in the distance.
I started salivating when I read "carrot cake" in the Vogler's Cove chowder supper description. A trio of breakfasts to choose from this weekend as well.
March 19,
Riverport and District Firemen's Breakfast,
7:30- 11:30 a.m.,
usual menu,
$6 adults; $3 children 6- 12; children 5 and under free.
March 19,
Fireman's Breakfast. Petite Riviere fire hall,
8-11 a.m.
Full menu,
adults $6, under 12 $3, under 5 free.
Information call 688-1174
March 19,
Masonic Centre, 216 North Street, Bridgewater,
8-11 a.m.
Bacon and eggs, baked beans, toast, etc.
Adults $6, 5-12 $3, under 5 free.
All welcome.
March 20th,
Chowder Supper,
Voglers Cove Hall,
4 - 6 pm.
Fish/corn chowder. Carrot cake/jello for dessert.
Adults:$6, Ages 5-12:$4, Under 5:free.
Proceeds for Hall.
A peek inside the porch of Rose Bank Cottage (1817) at Ross Farm. Love those wide planks on the door and the gun hanging over the doorway.
Just needs a little TLC, or so the real estate listing would suggest (if it existed).
Another shot from Ross Farm, this time from the carpentry shop. I asked lots of questions about the various tools in the shop. I could hang out there for years....
A gorgeous broom made from local white ash, shot at Ross Farm a couple of weekends ago.
You might too, when you see it...
Shot at Ross Farm last weekend, I'm assuming these shavings were from the wooden spoon that was being carved that afternoon...
A closeup shot of the entrance to the wood fired sauna at Ski Tuonela
One of the many buildings at Ski Tuonela, hope they still have some snow this weekend.
A couple breakfasts on this weekend, and then a TON of pancake suppers on Shrove Tuesday (March 8). Mmmmm, pancakes.
BreakfastsMarch 5, Saturday,
Italy Cross, Middlewood and district fire hall,
7-11 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Saturday, March 5,
St. Patrick's Breakfast,
Pinehurst Hall,
7 to 11 a.m
March 5,
Country Breakfast.
Chester Basin Fire Hall.
7:30-10:30 a.m.,
Various menu selections.
Shrove Tuesday (March 8th)
Pancake Supper West Side United Church, 2702 Hwy 331, Pentz, NS. 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Pancakes, sausages and dessert will be served. Adults: $7.00, students: $4.00, children under 5 free.Pancake Supper,
United Communities fire hall, Cherry Hill.
4 - 6 p.m.,
Adults $6, children 5 - 12 $3, under 5 free.
Pancakes, sausage, coconut cream and lemon pie.
Pancake and Sausage Supper, Chelsea and District fire hall, 4 :30 - 6 :30. Adults $6, children $3, under 5 free. Sponsored by Tops Chapter 5252, Chelsea. Proceeds for Chelsea & District fire dept. Pancake and Sausage SupperHoly Trinity Anglican Church Parish Hall, 78 Alexandra Avenue, Bridgewater. 4:30 p.m. Adults $6, children (12 &under) $3; 5 and under free. Sponsored by Holy Trinity Guild of St. Joseph's (Men's Group)Pancake Supper
St. Mark's Anglican Church, Martin's Point.
4:30- 6:30 p.m.,
Adults $6 and children $3.
Pancake Supper
Petite Riviere Fire Hall, 4:30- 7 p.m. Pancakes, sausages, biscuits, fruit kabobs, brownie sundaes. Adults $7, children 5- 12 $3, under 5 free. Stormdate: Wednesday, March 9 Pancake and Sausage Supper St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - 114 Fox St., Lunenburg. 4:30-6:30 p.m.Menu: Pancakes and syrup, sausages, dessert (gingerbread with topping), milk, tea or coffee. Adults $6; children (6-12) $3; 5 and under free. St. Andrew's will not be having their breakfast in March but will resume on April 9.Pancake Supper,
West Northfield community hall,
Starting 5 p.m.
$8/ person.
Proceeds: anglican church and community hall.
Pancake Supper,
3rd Bridgewater Scouts, Bridgewater United Church,
5-6:30 p.m.
Adults $6; 5-12 $3; under 5 free.
Hark, 'tis the infamous leaf bag trailer on the Cornwall Road! I doubt many drafts get through this layer...of what appears to be hundreds of bags of leaves.
A worker on the site of Bluenose Academy carefully guides a large metal truss (?) as it's hoisted by the large crane on site. Let me know when you're getting sick of these construction shots. ^_^