Winter ain't over yet! Thanks to All Good! submitter David Lindsay for this great self portrait XC shot. Lookin' good, David! Check out David's recent article about energy wood in Canadian Geographic.
I like looking at this house on my lunch hour walks. Love that wrap around porch! Yesterday there was this great prop in the front yard so I had to snap a shot.
Woohoo, breakfasts galore this weekend! Thanks to my intrepid submitter in Boutilier's Point for the community events in her neck of the woods, more to follow next week... ^_^
February 19 Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg 7:30-11:30 a.m. Adults $6; ages 5-12, $3. Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215
Saturday Feb 19 Western Shore Fire Hall 7:30-10:30, $6.00 full breakfast.
February 19 Riverport and District Firemen's Breakfast 7:30- 11:30 a.m. usual menu, $6 adults; $3 children 6- 12; children 5 and under free.
Sat Feb 19 - Storm date Feb 20 Blandford Community Centre 9-11am Breakfast - Pancakes, sausage, bacon, juice, tea/coffee
February 19 Spaghetti Supper. All Saints Lutheran Church, Newcombville 5- 7 p.m., Buck-a-bid dessert auction. Adults $6, children $3, family $15 Proceeds to help fund youth for 2012 trip to Saskatoon.
Sat Feb 19 Roast Beef Supper Trinity United Church - Timberlea 4-6pm $10 Adult, $5 child, free pre schooler
Anyone remember those 'what is this' pictures on the back of Owl magazine? Or was that Chickadee? any rate, can you guess what this is? Hint, it can only happen in the winter...shot at Ski Tuonela last March.
See for yourself. This was shot at Keji two weekends ago, a recent 'recce' of the park this past weekend revealed that there is still plenty of snow inland. XC skiing conditions were excellent!
Apart from the usual roundup of local grub, the Canada Games start this weekend! Events at Martock, Wentworth and the outdoor Canada Games oval are free. ^_^ Check out the detailed schedule and cheer loudly!
The valentine's socials in Branch LaHave and Springfield sound delectable. C'mon, homemade ice cream?!? I bet the roast beef supper 'up home' will be amazing as well, they do a great meal at The Forties community centre.
February 12, Hebbs Cross fire dept. 7-11 a.m. Adults $6; children 5 and up $3. This all you can eat breakfast rarely disappoints if you have a large appetite for greasy morning food. Who doesn't?!?
Saturday, February 12, 7:30- 11:30 a.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall, 114 Fox Street, Lunenburg. Adults $6, children 6- 12 $3, children under 6 free.
Saturday, February 12th Ice Cream Social Springfield United Baptist Church 7pm. There will be games & refreshments including homemade ice cream.
February 13, Valentine Luncheon, Italy Cross, Middlewood and district fire hall, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Menu: soups, chowders, chili and cakes. Adults $6; children (5-12) $3. Proceeds for ladies auxiliary.
February 13, Valentine Social, Branch LaHave community hall, 6-8 p.m. (storm date February 14, 6-8 p.m.) apple pie & homemade ice cream
February 13. Roast Beef Supper, Forties community centre, 1787 Forties Road, New Ross, Adults $10, children 5-12 $5, under 5 free. Doors open at 4, serving 4:30-6. Roast beef, gravy, carrots, peas, potatoes, pie, tea/ coffee. Sponsored by Select Nova Scotia. Call 689-2000 or 689-2612 for information.
We finally have snow down by the shore, and more to come this week. HUZZAH!
Until recently, I had to travel inland to get my snow fix. This video was shot in the hill/field behind my buddy's place. I like how you can see some snow flakes at the beginning.
I tried shooting this one handheld, so I could hold the camera close to the ground.