Whether or not the face is listening...usually not.I love this guy, so expressive!
A small selection of community grub this weekend, if you feel like heading inland, check out the Dalhousie Community Fair on Saturday BreakfastsAugust 28,
Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg,
7:30-11:30 a.m.
Adults $6; ages 5-12, $3.
Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215August 28,
Firemen's Breakfast,
United Communities Fire Hall, Cherry Hill,
8-11 a.m.
Adults $6; 5-12 years $3.25; under 5 free.Sunday, August 29,
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #49, Mahone Bay,
10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Adults $6; $3 age 5 and over.SuppersAugust 28Midville & District Fire Dept. 2nd Annual Pig Roast with Blueberry Grunt. 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tickets $10 each. To reserve your seat, buy and pick up your ticket in advance. Contact Ron 527-2955 Darren 530-2639 Sunday, 29 August. FISH FRY: Hubbards Area Lions Club Clubhouse in Fox Pt 4-6 pm, Pan fried haddock with all the trimmings, dessert and tea/coffee. $10. Please call 857-9845 after 2pm daily or 857-1559 for information.
Gaping pie hole, that is.It was too easy, all I had to do was point my telephoto lens at this guy and wait for the shot.
I'm glad I captured the midway at dusk, more of these shots to follow.I just noticed that the center of the ferris wheel makes a smiley face. ^_^
...wit' thugz!
Spotted at The Big Ex, of course!
This is one of my favourite pictures I shot at The Big Ex this year.
When I saw this guy exit the oxen barn, I was beside myself! I am surprised I was able to keep my camera steady as I took this shot. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I fretted with the adjustments on this one for a while, not sure if I like how it turned out..I welcome your comments/suggestions.
Prepping for an ox pull at The Big Ex.
...and call me Dusty.Two gents hard at work prepping for an ox pull at The Big Ex.
Be sure to swing by the NSCAD-Lunenburg Community Studios to check out their final show of their year long residency. The opening is tonight @ 5 pm, but you can swing by the studio between 11-4 pm from this Saturday until next Thursday.
Community Events
Friday, Aug. 13
5 pm
40 Duke St.
Lunenburg, NS
Kat Frick Miller, Jennifer Green and Katherine Thomas are concluding their year as artists-in-residence at the NSCAD-Lunenburg Community Studios. They are presenting their final weeklong studio exhibition, “Forty-Five Rounds, Ninety-Three Years and Ninety-Six Point Seven Kilometers” from August 14 - 19, 2010. The artists invite the public to join them for the opening reception on Friday August 13, at 5 pm. The NSCAD-Lunenburg Community Studios are located at 40 Duke Street, in downtown Lunenburg. The studios will be open from 11 am to 4 pm daily. Throughout the year the residents have developed independent bodies of work in painting, textiles and ceramics. Kat Frick Miller has produced a collection of South Shore inspired screen-printed textiles and new painted work. Jennifer Green has dedicated her year to flax spinning and will be exhibiting the resulting handspun yarn and woven textiles. Katherine Thomas has devoted her studio time to investigating new techniques and forms in porcelain and will be displaying a collection of objects designed for the luxurious presentation of food and flowers. To hear more about the work on exhibit, the artists welcome you to attend their public lecture on Thursday August 19 in the Lunenburg Academy Auditorium at 7 pm. The exhibition and presentation are free and everyone is welcome.
August 14,
Garden Party, Bake Sale and Silent Auction.
Cornwall & District Fire Dept.,
Middle Cornwall, NS
4 p.m.
August 14-15 (Saturday-Sunday): Re-enactment of New Ross Freighters. Eight teams of oxen and their teamsters will leave Ross Farm about 8:30 a.m. two teams will be pulling wagon loads of products. Teams will use mostly a relay process. There will be various stops: lunch, photo, overnight. Teams should arrive in Chester Basin area between 4-5 p.m. and will finish at Oxner's field behind Ultramar Station. A Tancook Whaler will be at the local wharf to take on a load of barrels. 275-4412
Couple of good 'ole boys, spotted at The Big Ex.
Spotted in the cattle barn at The Big Ex.
I tried dialing the colour saturation down a notch, you likee?
Your 'other' barn door....Beef cattle barn at The Big Ex.
I took a series of shots of these three folks at The Big Ex.
As you can see, I've been made in this one. Aand, busted. ^_^
Give your local market some love online!The 3rd Annual Spirit Nova Scotia Local Food Award, co-sponsored by Spirit Nova Scotia and Select Nova Scotia, will celebrate individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to the local food movement in Nova Scotia.The finalists have been announced and it is up to you, Nova Scotia to pick the winners! The finalists were chosen based on their commitment to environmental stewardship, community engagement, promotion of local food, creativity and Innovation. Here is the link to see the final nominees and cast your vote:http://www.selectnovascotia.ca/index.php?cid=91
Come the 'end times', this kid is going to be in high demand...way more than someone who knows how to make the latest retweet app or something equally banal.I love seeing the 4-H kids at The Big Ex. Also, it's nice to see that naming your teams Bright and Lion has not gone out of fashion, nor will it any time soon. Boi da sweet doiyin jeezus.
Well, at least the kind of traffic jam we get 'down home':
A herd of ~30 cattle were being moved from pasture to pasture, down the highway...in front of my house ^_^