The warm weather today made me think of this sunny shot from last week. Looks like this weekend is shaping up to be a nice one, get out there, folks!
Blissful mist.
Sorry for the delayed post, blogger wouldn't let me upload pics yesterday for some reason...
Sandro, heading in
....I hear a new South Shore shaper crafted that board...
Wow, no shortage of events to check out!Breakfasts? A toss up between the Newfie Breakfast and and the Cherry Hill Fireman's breakfast.Teas? My pick is the Spring Tea in Petite Riviere.Suppers? No contest, corned beef and cabbage all the way.Have a great weekend everyone!BreakfastsSaturday, March 27Newfie BreakfastChester Basin Legion,7:30-10:30 a.m.Choose from homemade fish cakes, homemade baked beans, bologna or ham, toast or homemade biscuit, scrambled eggs, not-from-a-box pancakes, hashbrowns, juice, tea or coffee.March 27,Breakfast at Royal Canadian Legion #23, Lunenburg,7:30-11:30 a.m.Adults $6; ages 5-12, $3.Takeout available for pick-up $6.50. 634-4215March 27, Saturday,Firemen's Breakfast,United Communities Fire Hall, Cherry Hill,8-11 a.m.Adults $6; 5-12 years $3.25; under 5 free.TeasMarch 27,Coffee Party and Bake Sale,Riverport Community Centre,10- 1.$8/ person, students $3, children under 5 free.Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Riverport Lions ClubSaturday, March 27,Spring Brunch and Sale,Wesley United Church hall, Petite Riviere.11 a.m.-2 p.m.$7.Menu of quiche, salad, desserts.Bake table, crafts, silent auction.Sponsored by the St. Andrew's Church, Crousetown.March 27,Tea and Chinese Auction.Cornwall & District Fire Dept., Middle Cornwall,2 p.m.Saturday, March 27,Spring Brunch and Sale,Wesley United Church hall, Petite Riviere.11 a.m.-2 p.m.$7.Menu of quiche, salad, desserts. Bake table, crafts, silent auction.SuppersSaturday, March 27Corned Beef and Cabbage Supper — District 1 community centre, Blandford4:30-6 p.m.Enjoy corned beef, cabbage, turnip, carrots, potatoes, pie, tea or coffee.Adults $10Saturday, March 27,Turkey Supper.Barss Corner Community Hall.4:30- 6:30 p.m.Adults $10,March 28,Easter Supper,Hebbs Cross fire hall.4-6 p.m.Cooked ham meal.Adults $10Sunday, 28 March.FISH FRY: Hubbards Area Lions Club , Fox Pt4-6 pmPan fried haddock with all the trimmings, dessert and tea/coffee.$10
It doesn't look like there are any waves out there...looks can be deceiving...
The many fins atop the van...
Spotted on Rt. 3 between Lunenburg and Bridgewater. Awesome.
If you are looking for some Saturday morning fry-up's, you are in luck! Petite breakfast is a safe bet, as the sign there usually reads: "bring your appetite".Also worth noting that this weekend marks the first weekend brunch at the Lahave Bakery. Saturday AND Sunday from 9-1, delish.BreakfastsSaturday, March 208-11 amBridgewater Masonic CentreBacon & Eggs or Pancakes & Sausages,
With Home Baked Beans, Toast, Tea or Coffee & Juice.
Adults $6.00,
5 - 12 $3.00,
under 5 FREE.
Or MIX & MATCH for $7.00 and $4.00.Saturday, March 20,
Petite Riviere fire hall,
8-11 a.m.
Full menu,
adults $6,
under 12 $3,
under 5 free.
Information call 688-1174Saturday, March 20 Breakfast —
District 1 community centre, Blandford,
9-11 a.m.
Enjoy eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, beans, toast, juice, tea or coffee.
The clouds were ominous...regretting not attempting bracketed exposures....this one is ripe for some tone mapping...oh well, next time.
Change the venue, and it's 'art', it's just garbage that washed up on the beach. Hmm, Hirtle's Beach Mixed Media: $1000. Any takers? Sale ends at high tide.
This is one 'arm' holding up a life raft on the Lahave ferry. As you can see from the sky it was a glorious day on Saturday!
3 brekkies on offer, take yer pick!
March 6, Saturday,
Italy Cross, Middlewood district fire hall,
7-11 a.m.
Everyone welcome.Saturday, March 6,
St Patrick's Day Breakfast,
Pinehurst Hall,
7 to 11 a.m.Saturday, March 6 Breakfast
Chester Basin fire hall,
7:30-10:30 a.m.
Various menu selections.
Smoke free. Take-outs available.
....Or, you could visit your local second hand shop and find a sweet set of skis and poles for 5 bucks!Bindings by Norweigan manufacturer, Rottefella (literally "The Rat Trap").I love the write up on the skis, describing the many laminate layers, awesome!Photo shot at Ski Tuonela last weekend. Have I mentioned it's awesome? ^_^
I was lucky enough to capture this shot of the melting snow, slowly falling off the roof of the main lodge at Ski Tuonela.
The grass might be showing 'down south', but there is still plenty of the white stuff just outside of Baddeck!This week, I'll be posting pictures from my recent trip to Ski Tuonela. If you love XC, backcountry, telemark skiing and cabin lodging, you MUST check this place out!The resort is incredible, you will not be dissapointed.Thanks Chris and Ann, I will be back next season!
It leads to some big, honkin' waves...
First glimpse of the beach and the big, honkin waves that were rolling in on Monday. More to follow...
I know, I know, I'm the one of the few who wants it to look like this outside:
I can't help it, I love winter, and I feel like it's been cut short on me!Sorry for the belated blog post today, and for missing yesterday's post altogether. Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for this blogger!Stay tuned this week, for pictures of big waves after the recent storm.